have a wonderful friend whom tonight, had to follow her heart even though it's against the love that we all know...
She had to remove her baby's
pain and be there to help him through...
The loss of a furry baby is unimaginable... It's the loss of a BELOVED family member... They are unconditionally loving, appreciative and comforting babies in our lives...
In honor of my friends baby, I wrote a poem on the spot from the heart... It's called:
"Why I'm A Furry Paw Paw"
Tonight I lay my head to rest,
I Thank my God for everything,
My home, my food, my friends, my loves,
My furry babies, my blessings from above.

I'm cuddled all night, it's just so sweet.
My Paw Paws and my Ma Paws cuddle me...
I sleep, I rest, I thank the Lord for Thee.
My babies are unconditional love
any day or night...
My babies are Furry, I love and protect them
All the time...
Thank you everyone out there who gives the unconditional love that is returned... Thank you for keeping God's beautiful creatures safe and a TREASURE in our lives...
Life is so beautiful... Cherish it, treasure it... and always, always... PROTECT it... From the smallest... to the "be afraid of me MOFO"... it's life!! Life is as beautiful as you make it... Mine is Gorgeous... Look at my supporters...
We LOVE you Buddy... Rest in peace beautiful baby! Thank you for all the love and friendship all these years... You will forever be in our hearts and missed...
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